Sexualised violence against children and young people in the digital age – challenges for prevention and intervention (WEB seminar)

24. September 2024 - 9:30 - 13:00 Uhr

Online Veranstaltung

Web seminar for the European Jesuit schools’ network in cooperation with JECSE

Today, every third internet user is a minor. The „selfie generation“ mainly uses the internet to communicate and play – in chats, via instant messenger, in online communities or online games. Among 12-year-olds, 38% of boys and 46% of girls already post selfies online

Children are starting to move around digitally and go online at an ever earlier age as a matter of course and often do not know enough about how to protect themselves. Never before have our children had so much access to sometimes disturbing images and films on the internet. According to a study by LFM NRW, 27.1% of 11 to 14-year-old smartphone users are afraid of messages from strangers and 21% are afraid of content that is „not suitable for children and young people“.

In the MiKADO study, 26% of adult online users reported sexual behaviour (sending, receiving sexual or revealing images, cybersex, offline meetings, sexual activities offline). 5% of these adults have sexual online contacts with children, among others. With 56 million adult online users, this means that 728,000 adults have online sexual contact with children.

A survey of 180 young people as part of the „ROBERT“ study funded by „Safer Internet „confirmed that digital media are a central component of daily communication. „ROBERT“ also showed that children and young people in residential child and youth welfare centres are particularly at risk. The young people unanimously call for intensive teaching of media skills and demand protection by adult confidants who regulate access to the Internet and who are also informed about what is happening online.

Topics include:
– What (digital) world do we live in?
– Potential dangers and offender strategies
– What do children and young people need to know? How do I educate them?
– How do I care well for victims and how do I treat (young) perpetrators?
– How do I integrate these topics into everyday pedagogical work?
– Where can I find support inside and outside my institution?

Examples from the participants‘ practice and the exchange of ideas are welcome and given appropriate space.

Julia von Weiler – a qualified psychologist and certified mediator – has been working on the topic of ‘sexual violence against children and young people’ in various outpatient and inpatient child and youth welfare institutions since 1991. She has been in charge of Innocence in Danger since 2003. She is the author of various (specialised) articles as well as the parents‘ guide ’Im Netz. Protecting children from sexual violence’.

The meeting will be held in English. Event is free of charge.

The event is a cooperation with JECSE (The Jesuit European Committee for Primary and Secondary Education)

We will send you an MS Teams access link a few days before the event.

Cathrin Rieger ZIP

Moderation: Cathrin Rieger

Prevention delegate and speaker for further training for teachers and educators – specialising in conflict management, bullying, prevention of sexualised violence, coaching: Conflict management, bullying, prevention of sexualised violence, systemic coaching




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