„Implementing Safeguarding in Schools“

3. November 2022 - 10:00 - 13:00 Uhr

Online Veranstaltung

„Implementing Safeguarding in Schools“

Web seminar for the European Jesuit schools’ network

Safeguarding is effective when it is part of a lived culture of awareness and clarity in caring for the wellbeing of pupils and staff in the school. It is often a longer process of providing everyone with information and resource persons to gain more confidence in helpful actions.

This workshop outlines key elements for safeguarding in schools and illustrates practical steps for implementing a framework for prevention and intervention.

Speaker/Trainer: Marek Spitczok von Brisinski is a trauma counsellor and consultant for institutions in the implementation of safeguarding concepts.

Seminar web-langue : english (Event is free of charge)

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Web seminar for the European Jesuit schools‘ network
in cooperation with JECSE (Jesuit European Committee for Primary and Secondary Education)
in context of the SAFEGUARDING CONFERENCE 2022.

Information Information about the SAFEGUARDING CONFERENCE, March 1-4,2022:


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