11. Oktober 2024 - 10:00 - 13:00 Uhr
Online Veranstaltung
Web seminar for the European Jesuit schools’ network in cooperation with JECSE
Risk Analysis is the basis for safeguarding concepts. When the risks for various forms of violence and discrimination are assessed from different perspectives (staff and pupils), the safeguarding measures become more precise and effective.
There are different elements to a risk analysis and various ways this can be carried out. Helpful is also to include the resources for assisting people with safeguarding concerns and involving the whole school. Participants in this workshop will learn about different possibilities for implementation, the resources needed and try a first assessment for their school or institution.
– Background and goals for risk analysis
– Issues for risk analysis in schools
– Importance of including helpful resources
– Methods online and on-site
– Model questions for risk and resource analysis in schools
– Sample assessment for own school
Workshop Methods:
– Input with slides (these will be sent to participants afterwards)
– Model questions for risk and resource analysis in schools
– Implementation of model questions in small groups
– Questions and answers
Objectives – After this workshop, participants can:
– Communicate the background and ways of implementing risk and resource analysis
– Assess appropriate methods for the own school
– Assess the resources needed to implement risk and resource analysis
Keynote Speaker:
Marek Spitczok von Brisinski, is a coach and consultant for social organisations, also in implementing safeguarding programmes. He worked in counselling centres on sexualized violence, assisting those directly affected, their families and professionals and was one of the contact persons on sexualized violence in the German Region of Jesuits.
The meeting will be held in English. Event is free of charge.

The event is a cooperation with JECSE (The Jesuit European Committee for Primary and Secondary Education)
We will send you an MS Teams access link a few days before the event.

Leitung: Cathrin Rieger
Präventionsbeauftragte und Referentin für Fortbildung von LehrerInnen und ErzieherInnen – Schwerpunkte: Konfliktmanagement, Mobbing, Prävention sexualisierter Gewalt, Coaching
You can also register by stating the event (title/date) and your contact details (titel/gender, surname, first name, institution and address/country) by sending an e-mail to:
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